N&F Agent Lead Program

Looking for leads to help build your business? Neishloss & Fleming has you covered! Offered exclusively to our direct agents, qualifiers will enjoy a 1,000-piece mailer for just $300.


Per 1,000 piece mailer

Write 3 or more MA apps in
a month
Write your first app within
90 days of contract

Qualifying Products Include:
Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplement

Email N&F Sales or Call 800.562.7733

Please note: Agent must use the offer within 30 days of qualif. Qualification is based upon applications issued the previous month. Qualifying Agents may order up to 2,000 pieces per month. Agents must be contracted directly with N&F for qualifying products.

Neishloss & Fleming’s Co-op is based off of the Vendor’s lowest standard rate per 1,000 piece mailing. Any additional cost is solely to the Agent. Co-op amounts are not transferable. Check with each Vendor on specific rules. Neishloss & Fleming reserves the right to change guidelines and rules as needed, without notice.