Do you have a retention plan?

As we reach the end of this year’s Open Enrollment Period (OEP), we want to check in with you regarding your customer retention plan.

Having a retention plan in place is crucial to the success of your business and ours. By collaborating and focusing on improving our retention strategies, we can secure long-term relationships with our current and future customers.

To support this goal, we have compiled a set of valuable resources to assist you in enhancing your customer retention efforts. Please log in to Producers’ University via CignaforBrokers to view the links below.

Retention Playbook – Provides tools and insights that you need to build a retention strategy that works for you, based on tried-and-true best practices.

Retention: Making Sales Stick – Includes strategies for driving retention and gaining referrals during OEP and beyond.

Four short videos regarding the importance of having a retention mindset throughout the year:

Why Retention Mindset Sells More

Retention and Supplemental Benefits

Doctors, Drugs, and DentalA Retention Mindset’s Perfectly Timed Follow-Ups

Your local Broker Manager can help you build your retention strategy as well. Feel free to reach out to them if you have any questions or would like to discuss strategy.

Don’t know your local Broker Manager? View this contact sheet.

NOTE: You must be logged in to Producers’ University directly or through CignaforBrokers single sign-on to view the contact sheet. We encourage you to use all the resources at your disposal to create a positive and lasting impact on your customers with a successful retention plan!

Questions? Cigna Agent Resource Line (CARL)


7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST, Monday through Saturday

The information on this website is for agent use only and not intended for the general public.

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