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Have you seen the new Cigna Supplemental Agent Toolkit and all of the customizable pieces? The toolkit includes: Cigna Healthcare Supplemental Benefits – Broker Prospecting Digital Toolkit Have you seen the new Cigna Supplemental Agent Toolkit and all of the customizable pieces? Have questions? Give the N&F Sales Team a call at 800.562.7733! The information…
You must be logged in to view this content New regulations regarding health coverage Since July 2023, Allstate Health Solutions has been following the ongoing proposed ruling that included changes to products filed as Short Term Medical Limited Duration Insurance (STLDI), Hospital Indemnity (HI) and Other Fixed Indemnity (OFI) Supplemental Health Plans. As we continue…
Policyholder Outreach Mailings to be sent on March 21 We wanted to make you aware of a communication that will be sent via email on Thursday, March 21 to policyholders listed in the states below. The purpose of the communication is to remind those policyholders about our Hospital Choice Savings program, how the program helps…
You must be logged in to view this content New Enrollment Kits and applications reflecting underwriting changes will be available and required soon for AARP® Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans from UnitedHealthcare® in Delaware, Minnesota, Montana, and West Virginia. The new applications will be included in state-specific Enrollment Kits that will be available on January 25, 2024 for plan effective…
You must be logged in to view this content UnitedHealthcare and Axia Women’s Health Despite months of hard work and repeated efforts to engage in a discussion, we were unable to reach an agreement with Axia Women’s Health in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. As a result, Axia Women’s Health is out-of-network for Medicare Advantage (MA)…
Don’t miss this webinar Wednesday March 6th 10:00 AM ET Social Security is the Golden Key to opening doors to ancillary sales of Medicare, Life Insurance, Annuities & Assets Under Management. As a trusted Social Security expert, you can differentiate yourself, strengthen current client relationships, attract new clients, expand your business, and organically transition to…
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