New American Legion VA, CHAMPVA and TRICARE For Life Benefits Training Available
We are pleased to announce that a new American Legion VA, CHAMPVA and TRICARE For Life training video is available to help you better understand the types of Veterans Administration (VA) benefits that are available and how a Medicare Advantage (MA) or Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug (MAPD) plan can work alongside those benefits, to offer veterans more coverage and additional benefits.
The video is designed to assist you in having conversations with Legionnaires on the value of enrolling into a MA or MAPD plan, as well as understanding the types of Wellcare plans that work best to complement the VA healthcare already available to Legionnaires.
Video Highlights
Learn about the VA healthcare options veterans may qualify for:
- Service-connected disabilities
- VA priority groups and eligibility
- VA copayments for prescriptions drugs, outpatient care and more
Understand how Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA) benefits could coordinate with an MA/MAPD plan:
- CHAMPVA eligibility requirements
- CHAMPVA deductibles and cost-share amounts
- CHAMPVA prescription drug coverage
- Benefits not covered by CHAMPVA
- CHAMPVA benefit coordination with Wellcare plans
Get an overview of TRICARE For Life (TFL) coverage and how to coordinate with an MA/MAPD plan:
- Overview of Original Medicare and TFL versus MA
- Services not covered by TFL or Original Medicare
- TFL vision and dental benefits
- TFL prescription drug coverage
Agents interested in engaging with a local Legion Post should contact their Regional Agency Manager to facilitate the contact.
Note: Please do not contact your local Legion Post or make any outreach to facilitate activations with The American Legion without first contacting your Regional Agency Manager.
We are honored to help the military community find the healthcare coverage solutions they need and trust that you will find this training video helpful in navigating this exciting opportunity. As always, thank you for your continued partnership!
The information on this website is for agent use only and not intended for the general public.